How to Write Fiction: An 8 Step Overview for Absolute Beginners

Sometimes, when you're starting a new adventure (like writing a book) it's hard to even find where the pathway begins. What do you do first? Brainstorm a plot? Choose a genre? Learn to write scintillating dialog? Figure out what a "filter word" is?

Back when I was first trying to learn the ropes of the writing world, I often found that instructors and guides assumed that I already knew more than I did. They started a few steps farther down the path than I knew how to get to on my own, and they didn't always show how all the pieces fit together.

I want to make sure we don't leave anyone behind, so I'm going to start out super basic and work up (or dig down?) from there. :)

To that end, my newest YouTube video provides a basic, practical, bird's eye overview of the process of writing fiction to help absolute beginners get oriented to the writing journey.

Whether you're wanting to write a book of your own, or just curious about how the "sausage" gets made, come on over and check it out. 


What, Exactly, Is a story?


Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor: What Type of Writer are You?